The Wrestler in Scranton

No, the film is not yet playing in Scranton. There is however a Scranton reference in the opening credits:


Randy “The Ram” Robinson vs.Corporal Punishment – 1987

1987 would have been about the time I would have seen a few wrastlin’ matches at the good old CYC. I never did get to see Randy “Macho Man” Savage or Hulk Hogan, but I did get to see The Iron Sheik, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat.

Trailer for The Wrestler

Scranton, An Absolute Jerkwater of a Town

I come from Scranton, Pennsylvania and that’s as hardscrabble a place as you’re gonna find.  I’ll show you around some time and you’ll see. It’s a hellhole. An absolute jerkwater of a town. You couldn’t stand to spend a weekend there. It is just an awful, awful sad place filled with sad desperate people with no ambition. Nobody, and I mean nobody, but me has ever come out of that place. It’s a genetic cesspool. So don’t be telling me that I’m part of the Washington elite because I come from the absolute worst place on Earth: Scranton, Pennsylvania.

– Jason Sudeikis, as Joe Biden on SNL October 4th

Fading Ad

Fading Ad by Frank H. Jump is one of my favorite blogs.

The Fading Ad Campaign began as a photographic project documenting vintage mural ads on building brickfaces in New York City spanning nearly a century. It has become a metaphor for survival for me since, like myself, many of these ads have long outlived their expected life span. Although this project doesn’t deal directly with HIV/AIDS, it is no accident I’ve chosen to document such a transitory and evanescent subject. Of the hundreds of ads I’ve photographed, many have already been covered up, vandalized, or destroyed. But still many silently cling to the walls of buildings, barely noticed by the rushing passersby.

This blog was originally designed to be a cross-curricular instructional tool, emphasizing science & technology while examining media literacies and cultural movements. Fading Ad Blog has since grown to become a collaboration with urban archaeologist around the country and from here in Brooklyn as well.

There is a good chuck of old Scranton, PA related ads.

I highly recommend visiting.