Locations for Boudoir Photography

“Here is a list of suggestions for locations where you can take your boudoir photography. It is likely that you will not have access to every location, but it should help to give you some ideas and get those creative juices flowing.” from John G. Blair’s Digital Boudoir Photography

These are all in the book. Honest.

Some seem pretty reasonable: backyard, back porch, bathroom, bathtub, beach (private), deck, on a bedspread on the floor, hotel room, family room, fireplace, home office, home library, home spa, hot tub, mountains, sand dunes, stairs, shower, stone wall, swimming pool, and tree.

Some seem questionable: car, dining room, front porch, guest room, motel, garage, log, trailer, and wooden fence.

Some seem unhygienic: kitchen, laundry room, and pantry.

Some seem impractical: 18 wheeler cab, 18 wheeler truck, bed and breakfast inn, brick wall, camper, chain-link fence, desert, field of wildflowers, private airplane, private elevator, and RV.

Some seem creepy-pervy: attic, basement, swing-set, tire swing, tree house, and tree swing.