Mad Men – Pigeons Scene

I had heard great things about Mad Men over the past few months, but never had the opportunity to see it. After tracking the first season down, I cozied up for a marathon this weekend. Top-notch. Great show recommended to all.

I’m not sure how many people smoked and drank back in 1960, but by my calculations, every single character on this show should be dead from emphysema or cirrhosis of the liver by 2008.

My favorite scene so far was the ending of the episode where Betty goes back to modeling and Don gets an offer from a competing ad firm. After the Draper’s neighbor threatens to shoot their golden retriever, Polly, for killing/catching one of his pet pigeons, Betty, in her nightgown with a cigarette in her mouth, takes out her son’s bb gun and starts taking shots at the pigeons as they fly over her house: