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Joe Sixpack is an alcoholic – Chris Flannery

Joe Sixpack is an alcoholic

“It’s time that normal Joe Sixpack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency.” – Alaska Governess Sarah Palin

Joe Sixpack is an alcoholic and need not be specifically or heartily represented by the executive branch. Who’s next Mary Crackhead, Phil Powdernose, and Mike Adulterer? Who will represent them?

3 thoughts on “Joe Sixpack is an alcoholic”

  1. This has been bothering me since Sarah Palin first referred to it. What is so “folksy” about a man who drinks a six pack. Is she courting the alcoholic vote? If so, she is tapping into a huge constituency. Seventy six million Americans, about 43% of the U.S. adult population, have been exposed to alcoholism in the family.
    Almost one in five adult Americans (18%) lived with an alcoholic while growing up.
    Roughly one in eight American adult drinkers is alcoholic or experiences problems due to the use of alcohol. The cost to society is estimated at in excess of $166 billion each year. There are an estimated 26.8 million children of alcoholics in the United States. Preliminary research suggests that over 11 million are under the age of 18. (facts taken from http://www.nacoa.org)/impfacts.htm

  2. Sarah Palin is courting the white middle class vote and her continuous references to Joe Sixpack and Hockey moms affirm that. What black person or Latino person has ever been referred to as Joe Sixpack? How many black and Latino mothers are Hockey moms? What does palin have to offer to the black and Latino people of this nation?She will be working darn hard to represent all of the white middle class people throughout the land, doggonit.

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