Homeland Security waives 34 laws to build the Mexican Wall


I hereby waive in their entirety, with respect to the construction of roads and fixed and mobile barriers (including, but not limited to, accessing the project area, creating and using staging areas, the conduct of earthwork, excavation, fill, and site preparation, and installation and upkeep of fences, roads, supporting elements, drainage, erosion controls, safety features, surveillance, communication, and detection equipment of all types, radar and radio towers, and lighting) in the Project Areas, all federal, state, or other laws, regulations and legal requirements of, deriving from, or related to the subject of, the following laws, as amended: –Michael Chertoff

  1. National Environmental Policy Act
  2. Endangered Species Act
  3. Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act)
  4. National Historic Preservation Act
  5. Migratory Bird Treaty Act
  6. Clean Air Act
  7. Archeological Resources Protection Act
  8. Safe Drinking Water Act
  9. Noise Control Act
  10. Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the RCRA, and CERCLA
  11. Antiquities Act
  12. Historic Sites, Buildings, and Antiquities Act
  13. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
  14. Farmland Protection Policy Act
  15. Coastal Zone Management Act
  16. Wilderness Act
  17. FederalLand Policy and Management Act
  18. National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act
  19. Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956
  20. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
  21. Administrative Procedure Act
  22. Otay Mountain Wilderness Act of 1999
  23. Title I of the California Desert Protection Act
  24. National Park Service Organic Act
  25. National Park Service General Authorities Act
  26. National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978
  27. Arizona Desert Wilderness Act
  28. Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
  29. Eagle Protection Act
  30. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
  31. American Indian Religious Freedom Act
  32. Religious Freedom Restoration Act
  33. National Forest Management Act of 1976
  34. Multiple DSE and Sustained Yield Act of 1960

1 thought on “Homeland Security waives 34 laws to build the Mexican Wall”

  1. Jaysus! Blerg! I’m especially upset about the waiver of the Multiple DSE and Sustained Yield Act of 1960. Haha. Just kidding. But seriously, this is ridiculous shit. Not surprising. Just ridiculous.

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