DIY: Abortion

Sister Zeus says:

Herbs have been used by women since the beginning of time in an attempt to control their fertility. The information was passed from mother to daughter, midwives and wise women all possessed this knowledge. Starting in the 1300’s on up through the 1800’s possessing the knowledge of which herbs caused a woman to abort/miscarry became very dangerous, if discovered a woman would be accused of being a witch and tortured to death. Over time those who knew how to safely and effectively use these herbs were murdered or frightened into silence, terror which persisted for about 500 years.

Today clues to this once common knowledge remain, the names of plants which can cause abortion were preserved orally and in old books, mostly written and published by men, who’s working knowledge of these plants was limited, so it seems. We are left to piece together the clues they left behind and are working to regain the knowledge of how to harvest and prepare, how much to take and what combinations are most effective. There is still much we do not know about using these herbs. But each day we learn a little bit more about them, as we experiment with them on ourselves as our ancient grandmothers did long ago.

By sharing our experiences with other women we pool our knowledge, today we have sporadic help from modern scientists to help rediscover and validate what was once known.

Angelica/Dong Quai a uterine stimulant with the ability to strengthen and coordinate contractions, to help encourage the uterus to expel it’s contents. Follow the link for more information.

Black Cohosh to help the cervix relax and open. Many herbalists and midwives say it has the ability to “ripen the cervix” in preparation for childbirth. Follow the link for more information.

Blue Cohosh a uterine stimulant. With unique properties that encourage the uterus to contract. Susun Weed favors it either before menstruation is due, or at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Follow the link for more information.

Cotton Root Bark should be used as a simple (by itself). Interferes with progesterone, and the corpus luteum. Stimulates uterine contractions. Chinese research supports these findings. Follow the link for more information.

Evening Primrose (Oenothera hookeri) may be helpful when used externally to help “ripen the cervix”, this phrase is often used during the birthing process to refer to the condition of the cervix, the cervix has to dilate to allow a newborn to pass, if the cervix is not ready, midwifes have herbs they can use to help encourage the cervix to get ready. Things happen a bit differently in a herbal abortion or miscarriage, the cervix won’t dilate the way it does during birth, but some of the same herbs may still help the cervix to relax and help to facilitate release of the unwanted pregnancy.

Parsley for use with other herbs or vitamin c. Good for starting a late period (when not due to pregnancy). Can be used as a pessary (vaginal suppository) to prepare the cervix for release. Follow the link for more information.

Pennyroyal One of the more toxic choices available. A herb with a long history as an abortifacient. In my opinion, there are better choices than pennyroyal. Follow the link for more information.

Pineapple (unripe)- Commonly used in tropical areas where pineapple normally grows. One lady was kind enough to send me this information:

    “Pineapple is well known in my culture as being the fruit that able to end pregnancy. It is considered “sharp” thus women during their menses are discouraged to take pineapple as the bleeding will become heavier and women who are pregnant especially at the earlier stage are forbidden to take the fruit in fear of miscarriage. However my sister had tried to end pregnancy before with 2 pineapples but did not succeed. Since she’s already married, she continued her pregnancy. I took one big young pineapple for the first day eaten in intervals of 1 -2 hours but I cannot stand the stomach cramps it caused me. I also tend to develop “blisters” on my tongue cause by the “sharp and stinging” taste of the young pineapple.

    Later, I was told by an elderly that it takes at least 4-5 fresh medium sized young pineapples (light yellow and hard, not juicy at all) taken raw, within 2 days along with the few glasses of pure young pineapple juice (using juice extractor, of course), for better result. I was also told that pineapple will not be able to end the pregnancy if the women has a healthy and strong uterus.”

Tansy Should be used with caution, often has side effects, and is probably the most toxic herb listed here on this website. Also with a lengthy history as a herbal abortifacient. Follow the link for more information.

Vitamin C In my opinion, probably the least toxic and most effective choice available. Interferes with progesterone, works best before the 5th week of pregnancy. Follow the link for more information.

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