DIY: coloring books for liberal parents

Here is nice website for liberal parents to break the shackles of oppressive conservative coloring book corporations:

Ed Begley, Jr. – Actor & Environmentalist


James Baldwin: writer, civil rights activist, gay, expatriate


Bono: irish singer, humanitarian, all-around douchebag


Boutros Boutros-Ghali: former secretarty general of the UN, under his watch the UN allowed the Rwanadan Genocide

1 thought on “DIY: coloring books for liberal parents”

  1. What a great idea. I’d like to color alot of icons now that you mention it. How about child stars, or famous cult leaders. The options are limitless…this coloring method could become an essential tool in Pop-education.

    Is there such a thing as pop-education? There should be, and it should be institutionalized.

    As in “How to teach lazy American kids all the important stuff that the school system neglects to mention, and WILL confront them in daily life.”

    Screw math…I want to learn about Gary Coleman, and the cultural reasons behind his spiraling demotion to mall security…otherwise titled “why being cute isn’t always cute.”

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